About Devang Vibhakar
– Founder of Viralquotes.net

I’m from India, a husband and father. Quotes have changed my personal, social as well as professional life for better.

Motivational quotes have provided me with optimism, hope, courage, strength, calmness, maturity, understanding, creativity, knowledge, personal development, better health, wisdom, better relationship, confidence, kindness, compassion, encouragement, success, gratitude, happiness, intelligence, joy, love and much more. Quotes have filled my life with purpose and passion.

The Power of Quotes

Quotes is the most powerful form of spreading  motivation, love, wisdom and courage around us. They are contagious.

You must have observed that no matter how bad mood you’re in or how upset, sad, down or angry you’re, if you happen to come across an inspirational quote, it instantly lifts your spirit and make your mood better and positive, doesn’t it?

Quotes help us spread the positivity to make the world a better place. With the help of motivational and inspirational quotes, we can instill a fire of positive vibrations inside people and help them find happiness, positivity, peace, change, confidence and better meaning of life.

Importance of Quotes in Life & Business

A quote acts as an ignition. A quote can ignite an idea, that idea can be developed into motivation, that motivation can lead to brainstorming and that brainstorming can produce nectar in form of a business plan or a road map for success. For instance, if you’re bothered about what people think about your capability and say you come across the following quote, won’t it boost your spirit, confidence and mindset and inspire you to look within and focus on your strength and take action? It will definitely create optimism and hope, won’t it?

“We must not allow other people’s limited perceptions to define us.”

– Virginia Satir

Let’s say you’re stuck into the comparison dilemma where you’re comparing yourself with others and feel that what you’ve is not enough and then you lose hope and momentum. But what if in such a situation you come across the following quote?

“Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.”

– Theodore Roosevelt

This quote will inspire you to your guts to believe in yourself and take that first step, won’t it?

And there are infinite number of quotes out there by famous people, popular people, wise people and successful people. Sometimes, all it requires is just that one quote to change your life for better.

Why this website Viralquotes.net?

As the Irish boy band Boyzone‘s pop song “Words” released in 1996, few lines say that:

“It’s only wordsAnd words are all I haveTo take your heart away.”

Such is the power of words! And I believe in spreading this power through this website Viral Quotes.

 The name itself denotes the purpose of this website.

Note: Words is a song by the Bee Gees, written by Barry, Robin and Maurice Gibb.

I’m passionate about quotes and this passion has also inspired me to publish and and print a pocketbook of quotes by name “Confidence Booster Quotes”. It contains 108 motivational quotes from famous people from around the world. 

Cover page – Confidence Booster Quotes

About me in brief:

  • From: Rajkot, Gujarat, India
  • In 2011, I visited Scotland for one month as part of Rotary Foundation’s exchange program called Group Study Exchange.
Devang Vibhakar delivering a speech at program of Rotary in Scotland, 2011.
  • In 2012, I also visited Germany for two weeks as part of AFS’s volunteer exchange program.
  • I’ve written & published five books.
  • Won Limca Book of Records award for interviewing maximum number of people on blog from India.
  • Profession: By profession, I run Website Development & Graphic Design company – www.ishandesign.com
  • Editor: SpeakBindas.com – A Limca Book of Records award winning blog.
  • Volunteer: I’m volunteering with an international educational NGO – AFS – www.afs.org
  • Co-directed an educational documentary “All The Best“. Language: Gujarati
  • Directed a short-film “The Journey Within“. Language: Hindi
  • I am on Facebook, here.

Know me – Question & Answer

What are your priorities?
Family, Health, Freedom, Peace, Happiness, Spread Quotes to make world better

What are your interests?
Writing, Reading, Blogging, Traveling, Nature, Spirituality, Movies, Finding the meaning of things in life, Helping others find their strength

What are your weaknesses?
Sweets, Water(I love swimming and can’t resist it!), Self-criticism, Over expectation from self & others, Impatient on others(have successfully worked and improved a lot on this).

What are your strength & virtues you’re proud of?
Listening, Understanding the point of view of others, Imaginative, Intuitive, Hardworking, Focused, Respect, Curious, Perseverance, Flexibility.

What are your best skills you’re proud of?
Writing, Communication, Documentary making, Numerology, Design quotes images, Photography

What sports do you play?
I play Cricket, Table Tennis, Badminton, Chess, Carrom etc.

Which countries have you visited?

U.K.(Scotland, London, Bath) and Germany.

What does my inner critic tell me?
My inner critic advises me to not to get attached to things or people more than required. More than required attachment is nothing but a trap. Nothing is permanent here. It also tells me to not to take things seriously, rather always find a middle way and move on.

What will I do if I am not to worry about earning money?
Travel, yes I will travel different places in my country India and the world. The idea of meeting people from different cultures and knowing about their traditions and way of life fascinates me. I would travel the world not a traveler but as a wanderer where I will stay not at the hotels but with the host families.

What was your biggest struggle in life?
I spent few years directionless in my life. Traditional education seemed useless to me as it didn’t seem to be offering much exposure and felt like waste of time. Raising myself from the stereotype education to self-education was the most struggling period of my life.

What is my happiest memory?
I was born in a middle-class Indian family. Since childhood I had vivid imagination to travel abroad. It was in the year of 2011 when I was selected as a team member of Rotary Foundation’s Group Study Exchange program to Scotland for 30 days. That moment of hearing my name as one of the four team members among 60+ participants was the happiest memory of my life that I can recall.

What are you grateful for?
I’m grateful for my parents and my wife, who always stood by my side and accepted me as I am, which gave me strength to overcome things and live the life of my choice.

What lessons have you learnt from your life?
– Earth remains same without you, so don’t think too much of yourself.
– Nothing lasts forever, not even your struggle.
– Focus on yourself. Find your own strength.
– At times, blind yourself to opinions of others when at core you know that what you’re doing is right.
– Work on your own strength. It will get you both the achievement and satisfaction.
– Satisfaction in life is more important that anything else.
– Read books to upgrade your understanding.
– Work with passion and life will give you unexpected gifts.
– Others will try to upset you. It’s solely your choice to respond to it.
– Help others with your skills. You will also learn something in the process.
– Give health the prime attention in every situation.
– Surround yourself with people who accept you as you are.
– If you don’t like something or someone, instead of wasting efforts in correcting them more than needed, simply engage yourself with better things and better people who deserve you more.

What’s one thing that you never planned of and it brought unbelievable change in your life?
In 2009, I began a blog SpeakBindas.com where I started conducting interviews of people from various segments of life. I haven’t studied journalism or related courses but it happened on its own. This blog helped me to meet people from various segments of life like art, science, education, business, creativity, health, environment and so on, which helped me understand the psychology of human beings. This blog also became a reason to bring pinnacle years of my life – wrote books, visited U.K. & Germany and enjoyed fame. I had never planned or even dreamed about it.

What new things have you introduced in your life to make it better?
– Fitness – Walk minimum 30 minutes daily and do Yoga for another 30 minutes
– Meditation
– Trying to speak less and avoid unnecessary words
– Learning to let go when things don’t happen my way and accept what’s not in my control
– Make my skills useful by helping others
– Spend more time with people whose company I enjoy and vice versa
– Enjoy small things in life
– Act on intuitions without raising doubt
– Say YES to spontaneous travel plans

What one truth you’ve learnt in life?
There is no such thing as “perfect”. But you can always improve and upgrade yourself. Keep learning new things. Keep doing new things as if you don’t do it you’ll never know what you could’ve achieved. Being one with the self should be the goal.

Where do you collect your quotes from?
My main source of collecting text quotes is Internet, Books and my collection of quotes from over the years. Although, I do not simply copy and paste them one by one but rather organize them as per the quotes niche and then create a post with them, along with detailed write-up on them that comes through my guts and passion.

What are your favorite Quotes websites?
I enjoy surfing through Quotes websites like Brainy QuoteWisdom QuotesGood Reads Quotes and Wikiquote

What tool do you use to create quote image?
I use my own software to create quotes images. I also use Canva for custom quotes.